Exero Vet is the first affordable, full service, veterinary medical video resource for schools, practices, and other institutions around the world.
What originally started as a virtual reality video database, has quickly evolved into an all-encompassing video service platform. With Exero Vet, you not only have access to a large database of existing training and educational videos, but now you can outsource the development, execution, and delivery of your own high-quality videos at a fraction of the cost, saving your organization time and money.
Our goal is to help veterinary colleges place high quality augmented immersive learning into the hands of their students.
The Next Generation of Learning
In recent years, virtual reality (VR) has become increasingly popular as a learning and training tool.
By simulating real-world environments, VR enables students to interact with the information they are learning in a new way. VR has been proven to increase engagement, cognitive memory, and better prepares students for the future.
It is with this mission that Exero Vet was founded. With the help of some amazing doctors we began filming live surgeries with VR technology from the perspective of the doctor in order for students to put themselves in the shoes of a professional. All videos are then narrated by the doctor and can be viewed in VR or traditionally. Since then, Exero Vet has become the only vet centric video platform that features VR content.
There are a multitude of benefits of having a global network of schools sharing their videos and teaching methods on the Exero Vet servers for students and teachers alike including but not limited to:
Cost: Hosting on our servers saves you from the costs that are traditionally associated with video hosting. We also are constantly updating and upgrading which is something most schools cannot afford to be doing.
Video Sharing: Allows students and teachers to learn new techniques and skills from other professionals around the globe.
Video Integrity: All videos we film are of licensed professionals in the field and are filmed at academic institutions.
Video Quality: Our on site video experts bring a level of filming professionalism not normally seen at vet schools. Additionally, our high skilled editing team will ensure that all videos you film meet our standards of excellence.
Mobile and Web access: Our videos can be accessed on any smart phone or computer, so students can watch our videos wherever, whenever.
Supports the the VITAL model (Vertical Integration in Teaching And Learning) alleviating some of the pressures on the teaching workforce
Help grow the Exero Vet video database by bringing us in to film at your school at a fraction of the cost of a professional film crew. This is a great way to get a professional videos filmed by your doctors, the way that they teach them. Increasing a schools yearly video output and allowing students to have access to those videos throughout all 4 years is a great way to increase retention. We often hear that students struggle to recall their anatomy lessons by the time they reach their rotations. Having a database that can be revisited at anytime is a great way to solve this issue.
You can even add your training videos to our existing database! Just shoot, upload and forget about it. We will do the rest. We edit your video in post production and distribute it to your students for you. And because we want your help to grow our database, we even provide film training and a camera for you to keep!