We wrapped up our crazy summer of production with a trip to one of my favorite schools, Oregon State University. This is the third year in a row where Dean Tornquist and her amazing team welcomed us to film.

There Is A Reason They Keep Having Us Back
Ending the summer at Oregon State is great because our mood going in was already light and we were working with so many familiar faces, so lots of joking and laughing all around. With that said, working with the same people we have worked with before is not only about familiarity, it means our videos are working and changing vet education. You don’t work with us year after year creating new content for your classes if you’re not happy with how well it’s working in your classroom.
So what can you expect from this trip? We have a lot of great new content on the way including a whole new set of equine videos, ultrasound how-to’s, and more rodent handling techniques. Our goal is to continue to grow the database to include all aspects of vet school and every time we visit Oregon State we take a big step in the right direction.
Some R&R In Oregon
I try to include in every work/travel blog I write, one fun thing I did while on location. This usually happens during an off day, as you know we don’t require schools to film with us every day we are there since they have… well they have schools to run, hospitals to operate and students to teach. So, with that in mind, I like to find fun activities to fill my off days, and this year my crew asked if we could take a trip to Crater Lake National Park.
What a magnificent national park. Sitting by the deep blue lake gave the crew a chance to relax and reflect on what had been a tumultuous couple of weeks. Hurricane Ida displaced us and, at one point, Pyxis had team members evacuated in five different states. The slow recovery made it impossible for us to make it to Oregon State for our originally scheduled week and we had to hustle to get things rebooked and get all of our gear to Oregon.
A Quick Thanks
I don’t feel like I can end this blog without taking a moment to acknowledge the amazing team at Pyxis that helps make Exero Vet possible. These individuals spent nearly 8 weeks of their summer on the road with me. That’s a lot of the summer to be away for and it’s an insane amount of time for anyone to spend with me, but they do it and they do it well. So, thank you!
