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Holiday from the Hospital

Updated: Sep 19, 2018

Groovin' Again has partnered with Pyxis Virtual Reality (VR) to launch a new project titled "Holiday from the Hospital." This project aims at giving patients a virtual break from the confines of the hospital walls by letting them explore far away cities, animated worlds, and local festivies.  

On December 13th, 2017 Groovin' Again lauched "Holiday from the Hospital" on Ochsner's Bone Marrow Transplant and Chemotherapy Infusion units. Twenty cancer patients, experienced a variety of VR including an oringinal Pyxis VR of The Roosevelt Hotel's holiday lighting ceremony. After patients returned from their twenty minute VR trips, they were given personalized postcards wishing them a happy and healthy 2018.

Thanks to Pyxis for making this project possible, The Roosevelt for letting us film their beautiful holiday tradition, and Ochsner for letting us debut this continuing project with their patients. Groovin' Again and Pyxis hope to take this to other locations throughout the city and continue to expand this project throughout the 2018 year.

Video footage of the project taken by the Ochsner PR team was aired onWDSU news at 6pm and 10pm on 12/14/17. Thanks to Ochsner and to The Roosevelt hotel for supplying photos captured of the lighting and project.

To learn more, see more photos, and donate, please visit our website:



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