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Previewing the 2021 Exero Vet Summer of Production

As I type, classes of newly minted DVMs have just graduated all across the country. The summer is an exciting time for these new doctors. Their professional futures are closer to them than ever before. The summer is not only exciting for these new veterinarians; it’s also a time of growth and expansion for Exero Vet.

Every summer, we travel the country creating new educational video content for free. Typically we look to spend 1-2 weeks at each of our selected partner schools filming everything from scalpel blade loading to lag screw placements. So what can you expect from this year’s travels?

This year, two new schools are working with us. The University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine and the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University are our newest additions. The early interest from faculty at these schools is strong, and I anticipate loading up on some fantastic content.

As of now, it appears that we will be adding videos featuring food animals, small animal surgical procedures, and various necropsy techniques. That list is sure to grow.

In addition to creating new content, these production trips give my team and I a chance to explore the amazing towns that are home to these schools. Spending time in these towns offers me an insight into the lives and culture of vet students all across the country. In the past, I have had the pleasure of letting doctors show me around town, I’ve met up with student reps for a much-needed cup of coffee, and I’ve spent a lot of time solo exploring various downtowns.

Familiar Faces

Not every stop this summer will be new. We anticipate a late summer stop to film with our friends at Oregon State and a few of our regular trips to LSU. These schools are building a substantial library of video content that will be utilized in place of the ever-shrinking in-person class time.

I’ve enjoyed every moment I have spent at Oregon State and LSU. The speed and passion the faculty have shown when adopting Exero Vet videos is impressive.

Other Notes

The Pyxis team and I will be traveling around the country to work on a few other projects as we get set to launch the self-titled Pyxis app. This cutting-edge learning management system is the ultimate platform for improving on-the-job training and onboarding. I’m excited to take this to private practices all around the world later this year.



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